Past Alumni Spotlights


September's Alumni Spotlight is on Ashley (Winderweedle) Mendoza! Read below to learn what she's been up to since graduating in 2015…


Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to/ what are you doing now?


Ashley has been married for 6 ½ years, has a 2-year-old daughter, and is Worship Coordinator at Action Church (Sanford).

What universities did you attend and/or are currently attending?


She attended Seminole State College and received her AA, then went on to Trinity College of Florida, completing her education with a Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministry.

What have you found to be the most rewarding part of your career?


In Ashley’s words, the most rewarding aspects of her career can be divided into two segments. She begins by sharing a Bible story: the miracle of the loaves and the fish. In this story, the disciples collect the leftovers, each receiving a basket to take home. Ashley reflects on the parallel of this story to her open life in the sense that the Holy Spirit provides for others through her. She believes that she is in turn provided for by Jesus when she is available to minister to others. She loves investing in and pastoring people’s lives. Although she acknowledges that it can be very challenging at times, she finds it incredibly rewarding, with a lot of fruit produced from her efforts. She notes that we often fear providing for others, but God provides for those who serve Him. Every time she says yes to leading people, God provides for her, offering a return on her investment that goes beyond a paycheck and fulfills her sense of purpose.

What is the most important thing you have learned over the course of your career so far?


Ashley specifically states that merely serving in ministry does not make someone a disciple of Jesus. While it might be assumed that people involved in ministry are disciples, this is not necessarily true. Serving in ministry and church does not automatically bring peace or joy. You could miss these aspects if you aren't truly engaged in Sabbath and abiding in The Lord.

Are you involved in any ministries at or outside your church? If so, where do you serve, and what is your mission in serving?


Ashley is employed full-time at Action Church in Sanford, where she works in the worship ministry and also serves in the women’s ministry. She hosts small groups and participates in outreach at Action.

In what ways have you seen God move in your life recently?


Recently, The Lord has helped her lean into the Sabbath. She’s focused on resting with the Lord and embarking on a journey to learn about the “margin” in her life. During a fast, He revealed more areas where she could create margin and allow the Holy Spirit to fill those gaps. God has been showing her people who are meant to be in her life as she has made room for God to fill gaps beyond her 9-to-5. The Holy Spirit has been transforming her heart to make space for people she previously couldn’t accommodate. She notes that American culture values being busy, and she has felt convicted to rest and create margin in her life. This allows God to work and for spontaneous occurrences to happen, enabling her to see people rather than being so busy that she would miss them. She strives to live her life the way Jesus did, who had so much margin in his own life. As a result, her mind, calendar, and heart are clearer.

In what ways do you believe TMA helped prepare you for your adult life?


TMA taught Ashley how valuable relationships are. She believes she wouldn’t be the person she is today without her friends from TMA. Those friendships carried her through different seasons.

Please share a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA. 


Ashley recalls her mission trip to Costa Rica a lot. She went during her senior year and the experience stretched her out of her comfort zone, and it was a really beautiful time in her years at TMA. When she thinks about fun at TMA, she thinks about Coach Pitt's classes and how she could always go to him if she needed something. FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL games with your friends always sticks out to her and how they would always get together with their friends before or after the game for dinner!

Reflecting on what you have learned in your adult life so far, what's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?


She encourages all to surround themselves with the right people. Don't be afraid to stick to your convictions. From her experience, there are people she went to high school with that she is still friends with today. Keeping that in mind, she encourages you to pick your friends mindfully. 


May's Alumni Spotlight is on Caleb Jones! Read below to learn what he's been up to since graduating in 2019…


Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to/ what are you doing now?

Since graduating TMA, I was a basketball manager at UCF for 4 years. I graduated with a degree in real estate and started pursuing my dream of coaching college basketball. I am currently the Video Coordinator for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock men’s basketball. I plan on continuing to coach college basketball and am excited to see where it takes me.

What have you found to be the most rewarding part of your career?

The most rewarding part of my career so far was when we won our conference this year at Little Rock. It was awesome to see that all of my hard work and long hours spent watching film to prepare for games paid off. I was super fortunate to have my dad in the stands to witness it as well.

What is the most important thing you have learned over the course of your career so far?

I have learned that my days go by a lot faster when I am focused on the process instead of the result. I’ve learned to fall in love with learning new things and studying basketball instead of just being obsessive over the end result (winning games).

In what ways have you seen God move in your life recently?

The fact that I have my job at Little Rock is a testament to God in itself. In August, I had no job lined up. Every door was slammed shut. I was questioning how God was going to use me, yet I remained faithful and trusted that He would provide the right opportunity for me. I’m so blessed this door opened, and I’m able to pursue my dream career. My God is always working, and I give Him all the glory!

In what ways do you believe TMA helped prepare you for your adult life?

I had some unbelievable coaches during my time at TMA. They really helped me become the person I am today and taught me a lot, not just about basketball but how to lead in general. I owe so much appreciation to all the great coaches I had.

What’s a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA? 

There are so many stories I could tell. To lump everything together, any time that I was with “The Eternal Bros”  (the best friend group of all time, not a joke), we would make so many memories. From playing football or basketball together to having sleepovers, they made my time at TMA so fun. We are still best friends and talk all the time.

Reflecting on what you have learned in your adult life so far, what's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?

I would advise any current TMA student to find out what they are really passionate about and pursue it with all of their energy. Going to work is a lot easier when you are doing something you love. Don’t give up just because you hit a wall, keep pushing.


April's Alumni Spotlight is on Grace Frey (McCoy)! Read below to learn what she's been up to since graduating in 2017…

Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to/ what are you doing now?
After TMA, I went to college and graduated from Cedarville University in 2021 with a degree in Graphic Design. I met my husband, Nathan Frey, in college, and we got married just before our last semester. Following graduation, we moved back to the sunshine state! Starting with a tiny popcorn roaster in our garage, Nathan and I founded Leatherback Roasters, a specialty coffee roasting business. We both had previous experience in the coffee industry and had been roasting for friends and family. It quickly took off, and we spent the next couple years building our business while working other jobs. After spending the better part of last year renovating and securing permits, we opened our coffee roastery in Longwood, FL. It's been so fun working hard together and being a part of the Orlando coffee community. We've had our coffee featured locally in Downtown Orlando and in shops across the state as well as across the country! One of my favorite spots to drink our coffee at a shop is The Fox Mercantile/Foxi Coffee just across the bridge from Anna Maria Island!

What made you choose your career field?
My senior year J-Term internship with a local non-profit cafe and catering business had more of an impact on me than I could have known at the time! One of the baristas I worked with there taught me about cupping (a technique for tasting coffee) and tasting notes, which opened my eyes to coffee as more than just a drink I really enjoyed. Also, my AP Art class with Amy Rivera sparked my creativity and desire to learn Adobe programs. While I don't currently work as a graphic designer, I still use those skills I developed in college every day running my business, from social media management to website design!

What have you found to be the most rewarding part of your career?
Seeing myself grow as an individual through hard work and long hours has been a very rewarding consequence of building a business from scratch as a 22-year-old, now 25-year-old. However, the most rewarding part of it has been the incredible people I've met along the way. From local coffee shop owners and baristas to our coffee importers, we've met some amazing individuals at every step of the supply chain.

What is the most important thing you have learned over the course of your career so far?
I've learned that it's okay to not know everything at once! Knowledge builds on itself, and experiences build knowledge. Take opportunities to grow and take risks. And be patient with yourself. You won't get it all right on the first try. Just do the next right thing. And stay curious! There will always be more for you to know. Stay in a posture of learning.

In what ways have you seen God move in your life recently?
Honestly, peace. I have been living a busy whirlwind of a life for a while. At times, anxiety has been high. But I feel so much peace when I spend time reading His Word. (And listening to the Through the ESV Bible in a Year podcast.) Lately, praying has gotten easier with practice. The more I pray, the easier it gets. And the more I read His Word, the more I want to! Same as anything else, it's a muscle we have to work. And thank God He gives us the ability and strength to exercise spiritual disciplines! And grace to pick them up again and again :)

In what ways do you believe TMA helped prepare you for your adult life?
My senior year J-term internship was more valuable than I could have known! Just getting me out of my comfort zone and getting me connected to a field of interest was so good for me to experience. Mission trips to Costa Rica gave me opportunities to grow in faith and serve others. But beyond that, TMA helped to give me a foundational knowledge of Scripture. This is KEY. Because of this, I have true discernment in life. I was surprised when I went to a private college at how little knowledge of the Bible most of my peers had. My teachers from kindergarten to 12th grade provided priceless biblical teaching and integration. Shawn Thompson's faithful teaching of Scripture during my formative high school years will always stick with me! Having teachers that I knew were also praying for me—that changed my life!

What’s a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA? 
Class chapel is such a special memory for me! TMA gave us an amazing opportunity to lead a worship service and to serve our student body. With help from staff, members of our class worked together to prepare a sermon and worship set based on a theme given to us. I remember being so excited to lead worship with some of my closest friends. I think it's so important to give everyone opportunities to exercise their faith at the level of learning and understanding they're at, and TMA encouraged that for us!

Reflecting on what you have learned in your adult life so far, what's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?
Walk with God. Life is going to get harder in so many ways when you leave high school. It will come at you fast. (That's not to say it isn't great!) But all the more reason to have a solid foundation. Always make time to walk with God, even if it's taking small steps toward him. For me, when I'm at my busiest, sometimes that means listening to the Bible being read in podcast form and taking time to pray in the car on the way to work. God is for you, and He will not let you go. If you're His, you're His forever. Thanks be to God! Also, try new things! Your comfort zone is not where you will grow the most.

March's Alumni Spotlight is on Tsehaia Santa Ana (Pierre)! Read below to learn what she's been up to since graduating in 2011…

Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to/ what are you doing now?
Since graduating from TMA in 2011, I have received my bachelor's degree in psychology from Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers! Wings up, baby! I went on to graduate school at Troy University and received my Masters degree in Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling. I also married my high school sweetheart, Quinn, and we moved up north to Michigan! Since being in Michigan, we have enjoyed all four seasons, going on hikes, and trying out new food spots! I am currently working as a School Counselor for a Nature Based Preschool program through the Outdoor Discovery Center! I enjoy getting to use my passion for helping others and combining it with my love of the outdoors! Quinn and I have two beautiful children! Our daughter Koleia is two years old, and our son Mako will be five months old this month! Of course, I cannot forget our fur child, Baloo.

What universities did you attend?
Florida Gulf Coast University (Undergrad) , Troy University (Graduate)

What did you major in? 
Psychology/ Clinical Mental Health Counseling & School Counseling

What have you found to be the most rewarding part of your career?
I love using my gifts to help kids in a developmentally appropriate way through various interventions and seeing them use those tools that we practice as an addition to their "toolbox".

What is the most important thing you have learned over the course of your career so far?
When you feel settled in one moment, it often means that there is going to be a shift. Some may think that a shift is not always positive and can come with challenges, but I have found that rolling with the waves, staying focused on the present, and being a team player always help to not make changes feel overwhelming.

Are you a part of any ministries?
In this season of life of being a mom to littles, my ministry is my family. I pray daily to be the best wife and mom I can be with the daily grace and guidance from our God.

In what ways have you seen God move in your life recently?
In the five years Quinn and I have been married, we have experienced so much change. Moving from Florida to Michigan, career changes, adapting to new surroundings, and developing new friendships. Through all the uncertainty of what was to come, God was a constant and always provided for us, even when we did not see it in the moment.

In what ways do you believe TMA helped prepare you for your adult life?
I would say the teachers that I had truly cared for us as their students. They had a genuine care about how I was doing and even spent extra time if necessary to process any questions or concerns that I had. Those relationships were impactful, and I would say flow through the interactions that I have with the students in my care.

What’s a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA? 
As a cheerleader, I would say I loved Spirit Week! Being able to dress up in different themes daily and then performing our halftime routine at the pep rally and football games! It was so fun to see the school spirit on Fridays! Of course, lastly, being with all my best friends and getting together before the homecoming dance that weekend!Reflecting on what you have learned in your adult life so far, what's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?
My piece of advice that I would give a current TMA student is to truly not stress the little stuff. I know that it may seem so huge right now, but in the grand scheme of things and looking back, it is so small. Remember that even in the hardest of times, God has your back and you are not abandoned. Trust in Him, and don't go through life alone. Find your community of friends and together rally around one another, supporting and praying for each other.

February's Alumni Spotlight is on Harrison Litzell! Read below to learn what he's been up to since graduating in 2013…

Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to/ what are you doing now?
After graduating from TMA, I went to college in East Tennessee, where I also got married to Ashley (Boyd)! We graduated together and moved to Atlanta, where we are now. I attended seminary, was ordained, and now work at the Baugh Center for Baptist Leadership at Mercer University. I work to support lay leaders in churches through theological education opportunities and supporting folks who work in children's ministry, where I have served in churches for about 8 years. With this work, I also preach and teach in churches and even have the chance to present at conferences and retreats. Ashley and I have two girls, and we live outside of Atlanta with my parents in a multi-generational home.

What universities did you attend?
I went to college at Carson-Newman University and then went on to McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University.

What did you major in? 
I majored in Religion in undergrad with an emphasis in Biblical Studies and a minor in history. I then received my Masters of Divinity with a Certificate in Christian Ethics.

What have you found to be the most rewarding part of your career?
I really love teaching in churches. I like working with people on topics of theology and making issues accessible to folks. I also really love sharing with people about accessible worship practices and how churches can be more inclusive.

What is the most important thing you have learned over the course of your career so far?
I have gained so much from just getting to know people. I have called people I wanted to work with and just introduced myself to them. I have had the chance to work with people I admire because I just walked up, said hello, and found a way to collaborate on an idea or project.

Are you part of any ministries at or outside of your church? If so, where do you serve, and what is your mission in serving?
I work with a lot of churches! In 2024, I am set to teach and preach at a number of churches as well as serving as an interim minister. When I am not doing that, I attend the Church at Ponce and Highland in Atlanta.

In what ways have you seen God move in your life recently?
Two events come to mind. One is a small table of people where I sat discussing atonement theories in a church fellowship hall. At the table, there were people from a variety of backgrounds, but they asked questions and allowed their curiosity to lead them closer to God. Second, I was able to attend the adoption ceremony, where two of my good friends adopted their daughter. The courtroom was packed with people to celebrate and affirm them, and that was such a holy moment.

What’s a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA? 
Again, I have two answers. First, I remember how fiercely we fought to win Homecoming Week. We came so close to winning our freshman year, and then we did win the next three years. I especially remember the work of Mrs. Sarah (Thomas) James in facilitating those events. Second, I was able to preach in chapel during my time at TMA, and that experience was so affirming and meaningful to me.

Reflecting on what you have learned in your adult life so far, what's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?
I am going to stick with the theme and say lead with curiosity. Ask questions; allow yourself to change your mind. We can get so stuck, but often I think God is leading us with curiosity and questions, and we have to have the courage to follow.


January's Alumni Spotlight is on Erin Giddens (Boncore)! Read below to learn what she's been up to since graduating in 2014…

Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to/ what are you doing now?
After graduating from TMA, I went on to attend the University of Florida, where I studied exercise science with the hope of going to PA school. Undergrad was a balancing game between pursuing my career (studying for hours, volunteering, conducting research, starting organizations) and having fun (football games, road trips, new friends, late nights). I got married shortly after college to my high school sweetheart, and he was hoping to go to dental school, so we both applied to almost every school in the nation that had both a PA and a dental school, and sure enough, we both got into schools in Philly! We spent the year prior to starting grad school in Gainesville, where I was a dermatology medical assistant, accumulating "patient care hours," which were required to start PA school. We then made the big move to Philly and started grad school at the same time. Philly holds a very special place in our hearts—we made the sweetest friends, got to experience all four seasons, helped plant a church, graduated from rigorous schools, and I finally started my career as an OBGYN PA! My first year working, I worked at a private practice in a small town in NJ, where we were one of the only OBGYNs in town. I had a lot of autonomy, which was challenging but rewarding. We then decided to move back to FL and recently moved to St. Petersburg, where I now work at an amazing OBGYN practice that feels like a dream! I am able to care for and empower women daily alongside a supportive team in a practice that is always pursuing excellence. It has been a crazy and difficult journey, but it was worth it. I still can't believe I am finally on the other side!

What universities did you attend?
University of Florida for Undergrad and Drexel University for Grad school

What did you major in? 
Applied Physiology and Kinesiology for Undergrad and Physician Assistant Studies for Grad school

What have you found to be the most rewarding part of your career?
I currently work as a physician assistant in Obstetrics & Gynecology. It's no surprise that this area of medicine can be very vulnerable and personal. Often times, women can feel like their concerns are overlooked or brushed over. For me, the most rewarding thing is when patients feel heard for the first time, and I can be a safe space for them. Then, as a result of truly listening to the patient, I can take what they're telling me, provide them with the care they deserve, and see how their quality of life can change as a result. There's nothing better!

What is the most important thing you have learned over the course of your career so far?
I have learned throughout my career thus far that in order to be my best self at work for my patients, I need to take the time in my personal life to reset. Whether that’s through taking a half day on the weekend to be by myself and rest/reflect, performing a hobby unrelated to what I do professionally, or spending time in silence with God away from my phone. One of the ways we reflect God and His character is by being good “creators” and workers in this world. There is a reason God placed so much emphasis on Sabbath—He knows we need this time in order to do our job well and honor him in our work.

In what ways have you seen God move in your life recently?
I have had quite a few transitions over the past several years, and that always comes with its fair share of nerves and uncertainty. Yet, through every season, I cannot deny the unwavering faithfulness of God in my life. He truly has never left me or forsaken me—even when I doubted Him and allowed pride to reign in my life. I have a tendency to think I can handle life on my own without God’s help, and He is always so gracious and gentle in bringing me back to Himself, reminding me that fullness of life and joy are always found in friendship with Him. I am currently in a new transition, and yet again, I am already inundated with signs of his faithfulness. He is always working for our good!

In what ways do you believe TMA helped prepare you for your adult life?
There are so many ways in which TMA helped prepare me for adult life. Practically, the J-term work internship program during my senior year allowed me to shadow a nurse anesthetist in the OR at the hospital, and while I didn’t end up in that exact profession, it solidified my desire to pursue medicine and sparked motivation in me to achieve my goals. Also, the guidance counseling department was a Godsend in helping me through the college application process. I felt they truly cared about my success and were my biggest cheerleaders. In addition, I don’t think the impact of learning in an uplifting Christian environment can ever be overstated. The lessons I learned while being a student helped establish the foundation that I stand upon today and anchored me through the years of transitioning into adulthood.

What’s a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA? 
There are too many to count, but I will always remember fondly how great some of the teachers were at fostering healthy relationships with students. Me and my friends would spend our lunch hour or time after school in their classrooms just laughing or getting advice. They would celebrate our milestones and show up to our games. They would keep us accountable and help us navigate life. That was very special to me.

Reflecting on what you have learned in your adult life so far, what's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?
Enjoy each season of life you are in. It's so easy to see people in different stages of life and wish to be where they are, but there is beauty to be found exactly where you are right now. I used to think this phrase was cheesy, but now I know it to be true—life is about the journey, not the destination. Savor it!

December's Alumni Spotlight is on David Scanlon! Read below to learn what he's been up to since graduating in 2017…

Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to/ what are you doing now?
Big question—that's a lot of years. I went to UCF to study finance, and I somehow graduated, which just goes to show that God can accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. During my time at UCF, I spent some time wakeboarding competitively, coaching at TMA for a few seasons (shoutout to the swim team), and interning all over the place. Tragically, I had to graduate from UCF and become an actual adult, but luckily one of my internships hired me full-time as a financial analyst, which is my current job. Anyway, since July 2022, I've been working, serving at church, and enjoying time with my friends. No complaints here.

What university did you attend?
I graduated from UCF in 2022, but I came back for grad school. I'm hoping to be all done in spring 2025.

What did you major in? 

Are you part of any ministries at or outside of your church? 
Yes! I serve in the high school and college ministries at Action Church. High school is awesome because it's where I started an actual relationship with Jesus, so it's very special to me that I can lead students through a time that was so crucial in my own life. For college, we launched that ministry during my last semester at UCF. It's been really cool to see it go from like twenty students planning it out in an office to seeing over a hundred people show up to a College Night.

In what ways have you seen God move in your life recently?
My focus recently has been on Psalm 27:4, which says, "The one thing I ask of the Lord — the thing I seek most — is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple." I can ask God for this or that or the other thing, but it should all stem from that deep desire to be close to Him. So, whether it's a bad day at work or something at church doesn't go the way I wanted it to, the psalm has kind of framed my perspective around the thought of, "okay, that happened, but how can I use this to push me closer to God? Where is He in all this?" I know it's kind of a weird work-around answer for this question, but that's where my focus has been lately and that's where I've noticed God moving recently.

In what ways do you believe TMA helped prepare you for your adult life?
Honestly, having a graduating class of eighty-something people was pretty beneficial looking back. So much of adult life is people-centric. You go to work with people, you drive home surrounded by people (in cars, but they're still people), maybe you come home to roommates, maybe you find yourself surrounded by people in church on Sunday or in a small group during the week. My point is that there are a lot of things in life that revolve around the way you interact with others. You can't avoid people in a class of eighty-something, so you learn how you need to spend time with people who might not have that much in common with you.

What’s a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA? 
I think one of my favorites has to be when I was in Independent Art my senior year. I took art like every semester I could from 6th-12th grade, so by the time I was a senior, I was at a level where I basically assigned myself art projects with Mrs. Rivera's approval. Maybe I was feeling sentimental during my last semester as a TMA student, but I wanted to make a project so big that it physically couldn't leave the art room. Somehow I got permission to make this giant fork out of wire and plaster, which I was basing off of this giant spoon sculpture in Minnesota ("Spoonbridge and Cherry" if anyone is curious). Anyway, the fork I make is like eight feet long and weighs maybe 25 pounds. I don't know how I got permission to mount it on the wall, but it was too heavy for command strips, so I recruited two of my friends from the football team to help me nail it to the wall. I'll be the first to admit I wasn't actually good at art whatsoever, so this thing was a total eyesore. It took me like two weeks to make it, but if I told you it took 45 minutes, you'd believe me. Anyway, I was told it would be taken down immediately after I graduated, but some friends and I visited a few of our teachers during spring break of our freshman year of college, and it was still on the wall. I think it's a really fond memory I have because art was always a class I really enjoyed, and it was like one last big, fun, ridiculous project to top it all off.

Reflecting on what you have learned in your adult life so far, what's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?
It's not a bad thing if you need help; it's only a bad thing if you need help and refuse to get it. I was on a first-name basis with every teaching assistant I ever had at UCF because I was at their office hours every single day they were open. Failure isn't final until you quit. I once got a 12.5% on a calculus exam and then got a 100% on the next one because I went and got help five days a week until I understood what we were doing.


November's Alumni Spotlight is on Leah Hebron (Singleton)! Read below to learn what she's been up to since graduating in 2016…

Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to/ what are you doing now?
After graduating from TMA, I attended Florida State University as a Presidential Scholar (graduating summa cum laude in 2020 with a double major in International Affairs and Religion). Thereafter,  I moved to Washington DC to marry my now-husband and to work in privacy & identity protection and, more recently, human rights advocacy. In 2022, I started law school at Georgetown University Law Center.

What universities did you attend and/or are currently attending?
Florida State University (2020 Graduation), Georgetown University Law Center (expected 2025 Graduation)

What did you major in and/or are currently majoring in? 
Undergrad (FSU): International Affairs & Religion (concentration in Spanish, certificate in SAS Programming and Data Analysis)

In what ways have you seen God move in your life recently?
Throughout my life, God has shown me that His plans for me are perfect -- even when they're far from my plans for myself. In recent years, God has moved by providing me with an amazing church community up in Washington, D.C. that has enabled me to continually see His providence in different stages of my life.

What have you found to be the most rewarding part of your career?
Throughout my career, I've been honored to find incredible mentors who have meaningfully invested in my development. I've also been grateful to be able to pour into others rising up below me. These relationships, in both directions, have been the most rewarding part of my career.

In what ways do you think TMA helped prepare you for life/ your career?
The educational, personal, and spiritual development at TMA -- particularly from amazing teachers who poured into me --  gave me the tools I needed to confidently overcome setbacks in my life and career.

What’s a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA? 
My favorite memories from TMA were adventures at the State Spanish Competition! I loved bonding with my teammates in between rounds, supporting each other in times of stress, getting to show off everything I had learned from the amazing teachers.

Reflecting on what you have learned in your adult life so far, what's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?
Be open to whatever God has for you -- even if it's not what you think you want or need. His plan is always better than ours, and following it can lead to some really beautiful things.

October's Alumni Spotlight is on Elizabeth Fish! Read below to learn what she's been up to since graduating in 1994…

Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to? 
Since graduating from TMA, I went on to graduate from Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences (now Advent Health University), where I got a degree in nursing and became a registered nurse for Florida Hospital South in Winter Park. After a few years working in orthopedics, I left Florida Hospital to help my husband operate a Chick-fil-A restaurant next to UCF. That allowed me to also be a full-time mom to three incredible kids who have all attended and graduated (and I will graduate my last child in May 2024) from TMA. Today, in addition to being a homemaker, I help lead and operate the Chick-fil-A of Oviedo/North UCF near TMA with my husband, Charlie.

What university did you attend?
Advent Health University

What did you major in? 

How have you seen God move in your life recently?
As my children get older, I’ve learned I need to depend more on God to develop them as they become adults. That kind of faith has been hard for me, but it has also brought me closer to Him by depending on and trusting His will for their lives, just as I have for mine.

What’s the most important thing you have learned over the course of your career so far?
Be okay with failure. Through failure, you will probably learn more about yourself, others, and how to endure tough times while depending on God to carry and teach you incredible things about His spirit and yours. Coach John Wooden once said, "Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be." Just keep getting better.

What’s a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA?
TMA looks a lot different today compared to the school I attended. We were in portables behind Aloma Baptist Church. We constantly joked that we had to swim from class to class when it rained because of flooding. [...] I will never forget memories made on the bus to away games (basketball, volleyball, softball), especially since technically every game was away (we had no gym, field, locker room, or PAC) and we FREQUENTLY broke down. But the school was founded by families with a sincere love for the Lord and their children who were dedicated to offering a stellar education with a foundation based on Christ. For that reason, my husband and I choose to invest in our children’s futures by sending them to Master’s as well. Although my children's memories are different, I will forever be grateful for men and women willing to step out in faith all those years ago.

What's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?
Study hard, make great friends, be okay with failure, and have lots of fun (emphasis on the latter). These are some of the best years of life (even better will follow), so don’t miss out.

September's Alumni Spotlight is on Esdras Camacho! Read below to learn what he's been up to since graduating in 2019…

Since graduating from TMA, what have you been up to? 
After graduating from TMA I attended the University of Florida, where I studied chemical engineering. During my time at UF I built a wonderful community around me, a lot of which stemmed from my involvement in UF’s Christian fraternity, Kappa Phi Epsilon. After graduating, I was selected to be an SEO law fellow, where I worked as a summer associate at a law firm in New York City. I am now in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where I’ll be starting my first year at Harvard Law School, a dream that I’ve had since I first got to The Master’s Academy.

What universities did you attend and/or are currently attending?
University of Florida, 2023 Harvard Law School, 2026

What did you major in and/or are currently majoring in?
Chemical Engineering

How have you seen God move in your life recently?
When I graduated from TMA, I didn’t plan on going to the University of Florida, and I was disappointed by my college decision. Very quickly, however, my time at UF was shaped by the people in my life, many of which I found through Kappa Phi Epsilon Christian Fraternity. Having a strong Christian community was the biggest blessing I could have asked for; I fell in love with the university and was thankful for the growth it prompted in me. Needless to say, I couldn’t have accomplished the goals I’ve set for my life without His guidance.

What's a fun or special memory from your time as a student at TMA?
Some of my favorite memories include getting to speak at graduation and winning a state medal for Track and Field with my relay team. Going to Costa Rica for a mission trip during my senior year was also a very impactful experience in my life.

What's one piece of advice you would give a current TMA student?
Trust in the path that God has created for you. The things you see as setbacks or disappointment are building you up to be the best person you can be.

August's Alumni Spotlight is on all the amazing alumni that are now a part of the faculty and staff here at The Master's Academy. Read below to see their graduation year and the ways they now serve at TMA…   

Nikki Falana | 1992 | LS Intructional Coach

Monica Porter | 1993 | Dean of Students

Rachel Marks | 1995 | Senior Executive Assistant/ Operations Project Manager

Natasha Udvari | 1997 | PK3 Teacher

Marcus Mennenga | 1997 | Director of Advancement and Community Relations

Stephanie Smith | 2005 | Athletic Director/ Academy Director

Caren Heuslin | 2006 | LS Aftercare Coordinator/ LS Lunch Room

Amanda Hofer | 2007 | First Grade Teacher

Victoria Cress | 2008 | Third Grade Teacher

Colin Miller | 2010 | HS Science Teacher

Kasen Raines | 2013 | STEM Teacher

Tiffany Ledford | 2015 | Head Varsity Volleyball Coach

Savannah Sprague | 2015 | LS &MS Art Teacher

Abby Jones | 2015 | LS Art Teacher

Tanner Rubio | 2016 | US PE Teacher/ Golf Coach/ JV Basketball Coach

Grace Kearney | 2017 | HS Bible

Tori Jones | 2018 | Preschool Coordinator and Camp Eagle Director

Ashlee Priest | 2018 | HS English Teacher

David Arroyo | 2019 | Head JV Baseball Coach

Jeremy Birkmire | 2019 | MS Science Teacher

Katie Luscombe | 2019 | Second Grade Teacher

Gabrielle Pardo | 2019 | Communications Assistant

Joli Stephans | 2019 | LS Music

Colson Vallery | 2019 | MS Math Teacher

Hope Kelley | 2020 | Head JV Cheer Coach/ Assistant Varsity Cheer Coach

Jordan Porter | 2021 | Game Manager