Welcome to The Master's Academy
Middle School Koinonia
A type of house system, Koinonia is the heart of TMA middle school and is central to everything we do. Each Koinonia exists to develop authentic relationships built on trust and respect, to foster personal and social significance, and to accept everyone as individually and uniquely equal.
Upon entering middle school at TMA, every student is assigned to a Koinonia. Throughout the year, students compete for points as they participate in weekly activities such as athletic competitions, performances, games, team-building activities, and classroom competitions. It’s within this context that our students will learn to deal with heart issues like leadership, self-esteem, conflict resolution, community service, team building, spiritual growth, social skills, and identity. We want to go beyond their academic needs and seek the well-being of the whole child — intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Our desire is to help make our students’ middle school years a time that they will never forget.