Middle School Koinonia

A type of house system, Koinonia is the heart of TMA middle school and is central to everything we do. Each Koinonia exists to develop authentic relationships built on trust and respect, to foster personal and social significance, and to accept everyone as individually and uniquely equal.

Upon entering middle school at TMA, every student is assigned to a Koinonia.  Throughout the year, students compete for points as they participate in weekly activities such as athletic competitions, performances, games, team-building activities, and classroom competitions.  It’s within this context that our students will learn to deal with heart issues like leadership, self-esteem, conflict resolution, community service, team building, spiritual growth, social skills, and identity.  We want to go beyond their academic needs and seek the well-being of the whole child — intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual.  Our desire is to help make our students’ middle school years a time that they will never forget.


The Koinonias

The Maori word meaning courage.

Members of the Itoito Koinonia live with courage because they know that the Lord goes with them and will not leave or forsake them (Deuteronomy 31:6).  Those chosen for the Itoito Koinonia stand up for the cause of Christ, protect others when they are weak, encourage those that struggle, and boldly proclaim the gospel of Christ.


The Filipino word meaning loyal. 

The Katapatan Koinonia is loyal — true to their God, committed to serving the needs of others, and faithful to bring the gospel to the lost.  Following the example of our Savior, the Katapatan Koinonia is on mission to bring the love to God to the world (John 15:13).


The Latvian word meaning dependable.

Dependability is the mark of the Uzticams Koinonia.  Unshakeable in their faith, they are relied upon in times of need, consistent in their faithfulness, and despite the cost, will stand firm in the cause of Christ (Psalm 15).


The Lithuanian word meaning generosity. 

Members of the Dosnumas Koinonia give of themselves generously knowing that Christ gave all for them.  Out of an overflowing heart of gratitude, the Dosnumas Koinonia seeks out opportunities to bless others; glorifying their Savior by sharing the gift of the gospel with the world (2 Corinthians 9:6).


Kala Garan
The Somalian word meaning discernment. 

Through godly discernment, the Kala Garan Koinonia looks beyond what the world sees and focuses on the gospel to define their perspective (1 Samuel 16:7).  Through relentless pursuit of the gospel, the Kala Garan Koinonia speaks truth into the lives of others and proclaims the gospel to the world.
The Maori word meaning justice. 

The Whakawa Koinonia believes in justice.  Recognizing the call of God in their lives, the Whakawa Koinonia seeks to do what is right, promoting fairness and compassion with humility and grace (Micah 6:8).


The Cebuano word meaning joy.

 Joy shines from the Kalipay Koinonia.  In their relationship with the Savior, the Kalipay Koinonia has found fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).  Regardless of circumstances, their rejoicing points others to the Savior of eternity.


The Hausa word meaning endurance. 

Members of the Jimiri Koinonia exemplify endurance in their faith, consistently following the Savior, steadfast to the end (Galatians 6:9).  Confidence in the promises of God allows the Jimiri Koinonia to bring the truth of the gospel and the peace of Christ to a weary world.