Learning Center

The learning center is a pull-out program available to referred K5 - 12th grade students.


First Grade
  • Phonics - sound/symbol relationship
  • Math - number sense
Second and Third Grade
  • Reading comprehension
  • Writing original sentences to compose a paragraph
  • Math
Fourth and Fifth Grade
  • Organizational and study skills
  • Vocabulary development
  • Reading comprehension
  • Mechanics of writing and written expression in varied paragraphs and genre
  • Test preparation and test taking skills
  • Math
Upper School: Sixth through Twelfth Grade
  • Transition from lower school to middle school
  • Building a foundation for independence in organization and study skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Mapping of concepts where gaps in learning have been evidenced
  • Support accommodations from the individualized learning support plan
  • Liaison from teachers to TMA families 
  • Quiet setting for testing